Lūk arī pāris bildes no izbrauciena pie jūras. Vieta: ~1-2km aiz Ragaciema. Ļoti skaista vieta ar augstām kāpām un satriecošiem skatiem. Kā arī ejot līdz jūrai var nobaudīt kādu "mežamātes" sagādātu kārumu. Mellenes mmm...
p.s. līdz nākamajai reizei
By "Baywatch" binds childhood TV series. Which as most of us watched with excitement. And how could a Baywatch livewithout David Hasselhoff:) Here are a couple of pictures from the trip to the sea. Location: ~ 1-2km behind Ragaciems. Very beautiful place with high sand dunes and stunning views. As well asgoing to the beach can enjoy a "mežamātes" procure a treat. Blueberries mmm ...
p.s. until next time
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